Deconstructing Jaye

Monday, April 10, 2006

My weekend...

Okay so Saturday..I went to school…after school I went to my house did a little shopping and was supposed to meet beautys' friend so that he could tutor me. I made him take the train out to my house and I picked him up from the station. We got back to my house and it took us about 45 mins to get set up…first I couldn't find the right cord then I couldn't find the disk with the program…it started out a mess. Anyway, we settled in and got down to work. The tutoring was good..I learned a couple tricks and was able to get a lot of questions answered. I was really enjoying the session he was cute and a couple times I thought about jumping him but I kept it under control. Half way through I got hungry so I was like I am going to get something to eat…he was like yeah I am getting kind of hungry too. So I ask him what he wanted to eat we decided on going to Checkers. We get to Checkers, order and I am looking for my portion of the bill. I noticed that he doesn't budge..doesn't start looking for money, is not making an effort to do anything so I pay for both meals. I am expecting a here's the money for the meal or I'll give you the money when we get back or deduct the money from my bill…I got nothing not even a thank you. Okay so fine he is a bum…that turns me off..I have a bum at home. We get back finish off the session and I agreed to drive him home since I was going back to Bk. I stop at an ATM machine to get his money and I wasn't sure what to give him..we never a agreed on a rate and he had said that he would give me discount. I ask him how much and he is like anything..okay so I take out $100 and I ask him if he had change yes he does…but he takes like 20 mins to pull it out. I'm like never mind…I give him the whole thing and he just takes it…hello..I bought you lunch and took you home…straight to your door. How just like a bum…he did call to make sure that I got home safely..maybe he should get points for that. I don't think I want a man of my own…I think that I will just continue to borrow other peoples' and return to sender when they start to irritate me. I mean that sounds like the best thing for me to do. It was done to me…so why not spread the love. I mean these men are all willingly stepping out of their relationships…most of the time they don't even admit that they have girlfriends, wives or baby mommas….I just know they do. And if they don't care about upsetting their woman's life why should I. How very mean of me…I can't help it. Men are pitiful creatures and I don't think I could stand being stuck to one for the rest of my life. I will admit that I love them sometimes and they can come in handy but I don't want to be the one helping you with your problems, washing your clothes, cooking your meals and taking care of your babies….while you screw around…I'd rather be the one you screw around with.

Is there a checkbox for sexy on all firemen applications???? There has to be. Have you ever seen a fireman that looked like crap?...okay maybe the captains and the ones that work in the offices..but the ones that actually put the fires out….ummmmmm. Yesterday I got locked out of my house. I was cleaning and wanted to change out of my sneakers. I grabbed my car keys and went outside to get my slippers from the car. I stepped out and the door slammed…I was like damn please don't be locked….I turned the knob and it wouldn't budge. What in the world was a girl to do…I had no phone, no money, no id, no jacket..just my car keys which were useless because without money you can't get through any tolls and I don't know anyone in the area, whose phone I could use. There is a Rite Aid pharmacy close to my house and I decided to go there to ask for help. I get in there, the manager lets me use her cell phone to make a call. I call my dad and ask him to call one of my uncles who has a copy of the key. A customer in the store overhears the conversation and suggests that I go to the fire department. The fire department is a block away from my house so I give it a shot. I pull into the lot and they are outside washing one of the trucks…..they all are looking at my car like who the hell gave this person permission to drive into this lot. As I get out this sexy black man…in his gear…steps out of the fire house. I'm like ummm can someone help me. I locked myself out of the house. He starts asking all the appropriate questions do you have any open…what kind of doors do you have…lalalalala. I answer all questions and he is like we will meet you at the house. Yea!!..the sexy fireman is coming to my house. I get back home and sit in the car waiting….all of a sudden I hear the sirens and see the lights flashing…did they have to do that???....Now the whole block knows that I locked myself out. Like five of them come out of the truck..I am thinking to myself all of that just for me?...yumm. Anyway, it is scary how easily they were able to get into my house. The guy that went through the window was huge at least 6'2…he opened the door and let us in. They hung out for a while told me about safety and what I can do to protect my windows so a burglar can't get in. They were very impressed by my back yard. I told them that they could stop by anytime and they left. Talk about excitement. I think that I am going to bake them a cheesecake as a thank you.


Blogger meofbeauty said...

Youve been tagged! come on its been almost a month! last night didnt happen. surprise surprise!

10:04 AM  
Blogger meofbeauty said...

Helloooooo heffa!!!! write, write, write, write,write, write, write, write, write ,write, write, write, write, write, write, write, write, write write write write write write write write write write write write!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:54 AM  
Blogger meofbeauty said...

okay it has been one year! write write write write write write write write write write,write, write, write, write, write, write!

2:10 AM  

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