Deconstructing Jaye

Monday, February 27, 2006

I am a mess cont'd

I passed my test. Yea!! I am so all I have to do is pass the 7, which I am supposed to re-take on the 27th of March. I am so not looking forward to it.

I am a mess

Okay so today I had to take my series 63 exam (the second in two weeks....I failed the 7 miserably last week). First, I woke up late 7:15 instead of 6:45, I got ready quickly and rushed out the house. (For those of you who are not familiar with this type of exam, they won't let you take it without state id) I got on the train and decide to get my ID out of my wallet so that I wouldn't look like the mess that I am in front of the testing center staff...I am diggin profusely through the bag and realize that I don't have at all. I get off the train and go all the way back home and tear the place up looking for my id...I looked in the all the jeans I wore for the past week, in all my coat pockets, through all my papers and in my luck. Ok at this point it is 8:25 too late to cancel with out my company paying a fine, which I would have to explain away, so I decide to just go down to the center and beg and hope and pray that they remembered my face from last Monday and feel sorry for me since a failed the first test and just let me in. So I'm in the cab thinking of every where that I had my ID...home depot (checked those clothes..not there), strip club (checked those clothes..not there)...and then it hit me Duh! When I took the test last Monday I needed to carry my ID with me at all's in the suit jacket that I had on Monday. I yell out "I know where it is!" The cab driver looks at me like I am crazy (at this point I am) and I yell at him Stop! Stop! Let me out! I get out run back to my house and sure enough the ID is in the suit pocket. By this time it is like 8:45 and now I can't find a cab. A car that is obviously not a taxi stops to give me a ride...I am frustrated, sweating, hungry and tired so I get in. The car stinks and the driver is going 10 miles an hour. I just noticed that I left my books upstairs when I had my miraculous revelation about the whereabouts of my ID, so I can't read my notes before I get to the test, which I will be 20 minutes late for. I get this pressure in my shoulders and I want to cry...Ugh!!! Hopefully, the nice ladies at the center will have pity and let take the stupid test today.

Getting to know me

Welcome to the 2006 Edition of getting to know you.

1) What time did you get up this morning? 7:15 AM...late as usual
2) Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3) What was the last film you saw at the theatre?'s been so long that I can't remember..I know who I went with does that count
4) What is your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy....never miss it!
5) What do you usually have for breakfast? Cereal...Raisin Bran Crunch, Frosted Mini Wheats or Frosted Flakes
6) Favorite cuisine? Anything my grandmother cooks
7) What is your middle name? Nathifa
8) What food do you dislike? There is not enough room here to list all the things that I do not/cannot eat.
9) What is your favorite CD at the moment? Mixed CD I bought off the street...I think it's called Knotty Dread...something or the other
10)What kind of car do you drive? Mazda Protégé...soon to be traded in for my big truck =)
11) Favorite sandwich? Chicken w/lettuce tomato and cheddar cheese
12) What characteristic do you despise? Faking in
13) Favorite item of clothing? My new seamless bra...I love makes the girls look sooo good
14) If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? Dubai...or Moorea before the Tsunami
15) What color is your bathroom? Downstairs bathroom: Blue and white ; Upstairs Bathroom: White, Irish coffee and brown
16) Favorite brand of clothing? I love Apple Bottoms jeans...Nelly is a genius...I didn't know it was possible to make my booty look bigger
17) Where would you retire? Tortola or Dominica
18) What was your most recent memorable birthday? Best memory...17th...Around that time was the happiest I have ever been, I had just graduated high school and we had a graduation/birthday party at my house. My boyfriend at the time and all my close friends came...we wilded out.. Worst memory..21st...All I remember is sitting in a chair, while a half-naked, oiled up, muscle bound man rubbed himself all over me...the rest is a blur.
19) Favorite sport to watch? Illegal car/motorcycle racing
20) Furthest place you are sending this? Orlando
21) Who do you least expect to send this back to you? He knows who he is
22) Person you expect to send it back first? Kia or Glenetta - telling me that I need to get back to doing want I get paid to do
23) Favorite saying? "Seriously"..."That is horrible(terrible)"
24) When is your birthday? June 27th...Cancer Baby
25) Are you a morning person or night? Neither
26) What is your shoe size? 6.5 Women's/4.5 Boys
27) Pets? Yorkie named Cornelius and a greedy ass Albino Cat Fish
28) Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? My love live sucks...for those who know me this is not news...just a reminder
29) What did you want to be when you were little? Doctor/Scientist/A mommy.....none of which I have accomplished
30) How are you today? Happy because I passed my series 63 securities exam this morning
31) What is your favorite candy? This changes depending on my mood..I like classics though...Kit Kat, Hershey bar
32) What is your favorite flower? Calalillies, Gardenias
33) What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? My 25th Birthday
34) What are you most thankful for? All the loves in my life
35) What will you do when you finish this email? Go back to doing "the peoples'" work